I thought you might interested in the current notes on Johannes Hauger
and Maria Barbara Miller.These notes are contained in Johannes' file
in the Hager Family Registry on-line data base, worldconnect URL below.
William A. Brobst, Editor
Hager Family History Project
6072 Currituck Road, Kitty Hawk, NC27949
"Notes on Johannes Hauger"
Much info from "The Hauger Genealogy" compiled by Vera Jean Kimmel about
Per the records of the Washington County Historical Society (MD):
Johannes immigrated around 1762 or 1763 from Hesse Cassel, Germany.
Lived first in New Jersey, then moved in 1762 at the age of 13 to
Hagerstown, MD, where his children were born; they were baptized in the
Salem German Reformed Chuch, Conococheague District, Washington Co, MD.
He then moved in 1782-1783 to Chambersburg and Antrim Township, Franklin
Co, PA, and later (around 1794-1795) moved to Somerset Co (then part of
Bedford Co), PA (some 50 miles west of Chambersburg).(Ed. Note:If he
immigrated in 1762-1763, how could he have moved in 1762 from New Jersey
to Hagerstown?A Johannes Hager is shown immigrating in Baltimore in
1763, but that must have been a different Johannes Hager.)This has
raised a major question as to his birthplace.
The names of his parents have not been revealed from the records,
although one record asserts his father was Jonathan Hager
(unidentified).For other reasons devolving from a study of the Hager
families, this Registry shows him as a grandson of Johann Jacob and Anna
Maria Hager.
Johannes' father may have been named Jonathan, but there is no Jonathan
Hager who immigrated in 1762 (1749 plus 13),Immigration records do not
show any Johannes/John Hager (by any spelling of the last name)
immigrating in 1762.There is a Johannes Hagar shown immigrating in
1763 in Baltimore, but no Jonathan (that Johannes Hager apparently
married Susanna Gill and later moved to Allegany Co, MD.)Besides,
other records show that Jonathan Hager b 1723 came from New Jersey to
Hagerstown in 1762.
Most records state that he immigrated from Prussia; some from Hesse
Cassel, Germany.The records mostly indicate that he immigrated with
his parents who then settled in New Jersey where his immigrant
grandparents died.It is more likely that he was born in New Jersey to
immigrant parents, and so he "came from Hesse Cassel" but wasn't
actually born there.Bill Brobst has suggested that since his father
appears to have been a Jonathan Hager, then his father may well have
been the Jonathan Hager b 1723 who, with his parents Johann Jacob and
Anna Maria Hager, immigrated into New Jersey in 1732 from Hesse
Cassel.That relationship remains most tempting, especially since it
appears that Johannes' brothers could have been George Hager (who
married Maggie Kefauver) and Jonathan Hager "The Tavern Keeper" of
Hagerstown and Chambersburg, whose father was Jonathan Hager and
grandparents were Johann Jacob and Anna Maria Hager.And all that may
well be true, although the evidence is by process of elimination and so
therefore circumstantial, rather than definitive and proven.
Mary Vernon Mish, in "Jonathan Hager, Founder", make no mention of this
Johannes Hauger.
"History of the German Valley of New Jersey", Theodore F. Chambers,
1795, shows the following addendum to the section on the Hager family of
NJ, but doesn't directly tie the line in with the other NJ and MD
Hagers:"John Hauger, b. 1749, d. 1813, Dec 6, m. Maria Barbara
Miller, b. 1749, d. 1826, May 11; came from Hagerstown, MD to Somerset
(then Bedford Co., PA, 1793 (sic); spell their name Hauger.His parents
came from Prussia to Phil., then to Hagerstown, when he was 13 years of
age.John's children were:John, m. Hannah Schultz;Daniel m. Susan
Cramer; Simon m. Maggie Smith; Lizzie m. Michel Cober; Jacob, b. 1788,
June 4, d. 1862, Sept 23, m. Elizabeth Knepper; Henry, m. first, Barbara
Horner; second, Sarah Buckley; Joseph m. Susan Baker; William, m.
Barbara Hay; Barbara, m. a Dunham."Those parents have not yet been
identified.It is noted that Jonathan Hager "The Tavern Keeper", b
1752, also came to Hagerstown in 1762; it appears that he may have been
Johannes' brother.The 1793 date is in error; other records show
clearly that he was settled in Chambersburg by 1783.
Jonathan "Tavern Keeper" and Johannes 1749 lived in Hagerstown together
from 1762 to the early 1780s.Then they left Hagerstown together and
moved to the (then) little town of Chambersburg, Franklin Co, PA.They
stayed there for ten years or so, then Jonathan moved back to Hagerstown
and Johannes moved on to Somerset Co.So they must have had some sort
of close relationship, and brotherhood is the most likely possibility.
We know that Jonathan (Tavernkeeper)had a brother named George Hager
Sr b between 1745 and 1760; their father was Jonathan Hager who was born
in Hesse Cassel and immigrated to New Jersey in 1732 with his parents,
Johann Jacob and Anna Maria Hager.
New Jersey Archives record one John Hager in a company of NJ
Revolutionary troops, as an Ensign; it appears certain that that was
this John Hager (Hauger).Michael Shultz, father of Hannah Shultz who
married John Hager's son John, was also in this same NJ company.
"History of Preston County, Virginia", Morton:"Hager in German is
pronouonced Hauger in English; spelling of the name was changed from
Hager to the English form when the family settled in Somerset Co, PA.
....On January 4 1794, they purchased the homestead in Somerset (then
Bedford) county called "Friendship" in Brothersvalley township; eleven
days later they traveled to Chambersburg and disposed of their
properties in that county.This is the first record of the family name
taking the English form of spelling, Hauger."
"History of the Hauger Family", by D. S. Hager, MD, Chicago, states:
"John Hauger was born in Prussia in 1749.He married Maria Barbara
Miller.He moved from NJ to Hagerstown, MD to be near relatives, and
then to Bedford County (now Somerset), PA.Maria Barbara Miller was
possibly from Berks County, PA.Her father was scalped and killed by
the Indians (in about 1756 (per Mrs. A. Lepore).She and a brother were
captured and held for 7-10 years.The brother went back to live with
the Indians after their release.Their mother and a baby were also
captured, and disappeared."
It is noted that his first two or three children were born around
Hagerstown (perhaps in nearby Cearfoss), Washington Co, MD, thereby
lending additional credence to the apparent brotherly relationship with
Jonathan (Tavern Keeper) Hager whose children were also born there.
Those children were baptized in the Salem Ref Ch, Conococheague,
Washington Co.Johannes (a tailor) then moved the Chambersburg, PA,
where his (alleged) brother Jonathan ("Tavernkeeper") operated a tavern.
One record at the Washington County Historical Society noted that
Johannes descended from David Hager.However, that reference probably
was made in the thought that Johannes might have descended from David
Hager (1712), brother of Jonathan "The Founder" Hager (1719); that
assumption must now held in discredit.
For Johannes to appear on an immigration record by himself, he would
have to have been at least 16 years old, which he would have been in
1765.Prior to that, he would have been carried as an unlisted
dependent of someone else; there is no record or claim of that
happening.There is no record showing a Johannes Hager b 1749
immigrating to America between 1765 and 1771, when he married in
Hagerstown, MD.Besides, other credible records show that he moved from
New Jersey to Hagerstown in 1762; for him to have immigrated between
1749 and 1762, he would have to have been in some other immigrant Hager
family; the only one identified in that time period was Johann Jacob and
Anna Maria who came in 1732.
One other record states he married in Frederick Co, MD, but in those
days Hagerstown was in Frederick Co.
Per Beverly Hager (Mrs. Charles W. Hager), 4832 Wedgview Dr, Hurst, TX
76053:"Property records show that he was in Chambersburg and
surroundings from 1783 to about 1794, after which he was in Somerset
County."But Freeda Dudley states that Johannes' son Joseph was born
in Brothers Valley Twp, Somerset Co, PA, in 1787; birthplace probably in
In a May 7 1766 deed, a John Hager sold land in Hagerstown, originally
purchased by John Heir, and Johns' wife, Barbara, relinquished her dowry
rights (per Beverly Hager
Johannes Hauger, since in 1766, Johannes would have been only 17, and
wasn't old enough to have owned land at that time or to have had the
legal authority to sell it.Even if he had been willed some land at the
age of 17, his guardian would have held provisional title to that land.
But no other Johannes Hauger with a wife Barbara, living in Hagerstown
in 1766, being then at least 21 years old, has been identified.
John Hauger, husband of Maria Barbara Miller, purchased Lot 121
somewhere in Chambersburg,and also bought Lot 170 in Ben Chamber's
Plan, on Queen St. in Chambersburg, Franklin Co, PA, from John Frees and
wife Hannah, on April 9 1783, probably for a house or tailor shop, not a
farm.He then purchased on Sept. 1 1784 for 200 pounds for 106 acres
land in Hamilton Twp, Franklin Co, PA, from William and Isabel Cowan of
Hamilton Twp.Shortly thereafter, on Nov. 18 1784, he purchased for 295
pounds a large section of land in Hamilton Twp, Franklin Co, PA, from
William McClure, and sold him a small piece of land in Chambersburg.On
March 31, 1785, he and Barbara sold Lot No. 170, on Queen St,
Chambersburg, to George Clinghan (Clinger?) of Chambersburg.On the
same date, he sold some farmland in Hamilton Twp to George Clingan(Mar
31 1785).On June 15 1785, for 100 pounds, John Hager purchased from
Henry Sites 10 acres of land in Antrim Twp, Franklin Co, on the waters
of Muddy Run.Johannes Hager sold land in Hagerstown in 1786
preparatory to his move to Chambersburg, Franklin Co, PA.A report from
Mrs. A. Lepore states he purchased 300 acres of land on Muddy Run.On
May 21 1792, he bought ten more acres from Henry Sistes and wife in
Antrim Twp.
Franklin Co Tax lists for 1788, 1789, 1791, and 1794 show him owning 10
acres, 2 horses, 3 cows, and a hemp mill.The 1794 Tax list also shows
him in Chambersburg as a "taylor".
Also per Ray Yount:Another source states that John Hager came from
Antrim twp, Franklin
County, PA directly to Somerset County, PA (Brothers Valley twp).He
bought land in Chambersburg, Franklin County between 1783 and 1792 from
John Frees (Apr 9 1783); and Wm. Cowan (Sep 1 1784); and in Antrim Twp
from Henry Sites Jun 15 1785).In the purchase deed from Henry Sites,
the name was spelled "Hauger", but he signed it "Hager".
Extract of Real Estate Records, of Deeds to JOHN HAGER.Deed dated
April 9, 1783 from John Frees and wife to John Hager of Chambersburg,
for a property in the Borough of Chambersburg, Consideration, Forty
pounds.Deed dated Sept. 1, 1784, from Wm Cowan and wife of Hamilton
Twp. to John Hager of Chambersburg for 106 acres of land in Hamilton
Twp., consideration being 300 pounds.Agreement for sale of 10 acres,
dated June 15, 1785, between Henry Sites of Antrim Twp. and John Hauger
of Antrim
Twp. (name in body of instrument is spelled Hauger and signature is
written Hager.)Deed dated May 21st, 1792, from Henry Sites and wife
of Antrim Twp to John Hauger of Antrim Twp. for 10 acres of land
(same 10 acres in the 1785 deed?).(Info courtesy of Beverly Hager.)
Extract of Real Estate Records, of Deeds from John Hager:Deed dated
Nov. 18, 1794 from John Hager and Barbara his wife of Chambersburg, to
Wm. McClure of Chambersburg for a property in the Borough of
Chambersburg, consideration 200 lb. (signed John Hager and "X" for
Barbara).Deed dated March 31st, 1785, from John Hager and Barbara his
wife of Chambersburg, to George Clingan of Chambersburg for a farm in
Hamilton Twp., containing 106 acres, consideration 295 lb. (signed John
Hager and "X" for Barbara.)Deed dated Jan. 18th, 1794, from John
Hauger and Barbara his wife of Antrim Twp. and Jacob Whitmer, for 10
acres of land in Antrim Twp. Consideration 200 lb. (signed in German
John Hauger, signed in English Barbara "X" her markHauger.)(Info
courtesy of Beverly Hager.)
John "Hauger", tailor, was shown on the Franklin County tax lists in
Antrim Township for 1788 through 1794.It is noted that Jonathan
"Tavernkeeper" Hager b 1852 was in Franklin County at the same time,
having gone there to learn the tavernkeeping trade.Jonathan and
Johannes appear to have been brothers.
Elizabeth Martin
on this family.
Info also received from C. Hager
Per Ray Yount
(Hauger) served in the Revolution.He had a son, John Hager, b. Oct 22,
1772, and died in Somerset County,
PA May 3, 1836.(Elswhere in the records, his dates are given as Oct
22, 1773-May 11, 1826.)By 1793, he had decided to move to Somerset
Co.In 1794, he sold Chamberburg land to Wm. McClure (Nov 18 1794);
and ten acres of Antrim Twp land to Jacob Whitmer (Jan 18 1794).These
last two transactions were signed, "John and Barbara Hauger"; the first
was "John and Barbara Hager".
John bought land in Somerset County Jan 4, 1794."History of Somerset
County, Pennsylvania", (appx 1900), at the Washington County Historical
Society states that he purchased the old homestead in Brothers Valley
Twp (then Bedford Co.) "near Berlin now occupied by Mr Bruce Hauger.
This farm has been in the Hauger name ever since that time.John Hager
was married to a lady named Barbara Miller.Her home and entire family
were destroyed by the Indians, and herself and one brother held captives
by the Indians for eight years, when they were finally exchanged in
Philadelphia in return for an Indian chief held by the whites.Her
brother liked the Indian life and returned to the Indians, but was never
heard of again.Originally, the family settled in the eastern part of
Pennsylvania......(Johannes) is the great-great grandfather of most of
the Hagers in Somerset County today, (he) and his wife are buried in the
old German Reformed Church burial ground in Berlin, PA."Although his
name is spelled Hager on his tombstone, his son Henry is buried on a
farm near Beechdale, Somerset Co, and his name was spelled Hauger.
He was shown on the tax list for Somerset Co, PA, in Brothers Valley
Twp, in 1796 and 1800.He settled on a farm at Beechdale about 3 miles
east of Berlin, Somerset Co., PA.
He was shown in the 1800 census in Somerset Co, with 13201 00001, or:1
male <10, 3 males >10 <15, 2 males >15 - <25, and 1 male >45; 1 female
>45.None of his family is shown in the 1820 census in Somerset Co.
There is a Hauger Family Cemetery in Brothers Valley Twp, Somerset Co,
PA; also called the Old Rodamer Farm cemetery.There is another Hauger
Burial Ground with 224 graves situated in Black Twp., Somerset Co, at
Hauger Church and next to farm owned by Scott Snyder and occupied by
Adam Snyder about 1/4 miles from Rockwood.
>From Custodian of Public Records, Harrisburg, PA, Dec 30 1909:"To whom
it may concern:I hereby certify that one John Hager was a private in
Capt. William Berryhill's Co, First Battalion, Cumberland County
Militia, Aug 5 1780.(Pa. Archives, 5th Series, Vol. 8, Page 80.)"
Signed:Luther R. Kelker, Custodian.(Note:Franklin Co was formed
from Cumberland Co.)But this Johannes Hager didn't move to Franklin
Co PA from Hagerstown until 1783; however, it could still be the same
Another source states that John Hager served as a soldier in Cpt.
Ladick's Company in Berks County, PA militia, Oct 1 -Oct 17, 1781."
That must have also been a different Johannes Hager.
Per records in Allegany Co (MD) Genealogical Society, Johannes served in
the same NJ Revolutionary militia as did Michael Shultz, father of the
Hannah Shultz who married Johannes' son Johannes Hager, Jr.That's
interesting.NJ?Same Johannes Hager?Could that have been the
Johannes Hager who married Susanna Gill and later moved to Allegany Co?
Many Haugers in
http://www.members.home.net/tarie2/hauger.hthttp://www.members.home.net/tarie2/hauger.ht and
>From Brian J. Ensley
each year in Berlin."
His gravestone in the Old German Ref Cemetery in Berlin, Brothers Valley
Twp, Somerset Co, PA, is inscribed "Hager", not "Hauger".There is
documentation in Somerset Co that the name was originally Hager and his
wife Barbara wanted it to stay Hager and when John died she got the last
word and had Hager put on his gravestone.He is buried next to
Barbara.The gravestones are now missing.His gravestone stated he was
born in Prussia, reflecting the thought at the time.
Ora L. Flaningam, Rosalie L. Hartinger and Mazie C. Emanuel, compiler,
"A. Cramer-King History: Some Descendants of Philip King, Sr. &
Catherine ? and Adam Cramer, Sr. & Hannah Rambo, Of Somerset County,
Etc., Pennsylvania, 1710 - 2001" (Apollo, Pennsylvania: Closson Press,
Inc., 1 September 2001). Held by Ora L. Flaningam, 3227 East Stewart
Road, Midland, Michigan 48640.It includes several hundred descendants
of the John Hauger/John Hager.Johann Hauger, born 1749."
More Replies:
- Re: John Hauger b 1749 update
Angela Hauger 8/14/02
- Re: John Hauger b 1749 update
William Brobst 8/14/02
- Re: John Hauger b 1749 update