Medical Terms: Prefixes, Roots And Suffixes (comprehensive List) - GlobalRPH (2024)


For thehealth care professional, it is imperative that precision is used in the way patients’ physical conditions and diseases are described. Modern medical terms and terminology provides such precision and specificity. It facilitates effective communication and correspondence between physicians across borders and from different parts of the world. In addition, medical terminology is used in colleges of medicine and other areas of the health sciences.

A system of words, medical terminology can contain a prefix, root word, a combining vowel and a suffix to create medical terms. Medical terms describe medical aspects and diseases. Specific locations on the body are indicated by prefixes. The meanings of medical terms change with different beginnings and endings. Medical terms can contain multiple root words, combining vowels etc. A physician must be very precise when dictating a term. If a letter or word is misused or inadvertently changes, the result could be unnecessary tests and appointments. In addition, an unnecessary treatment or an incorrect diagnosis could occur. The rules that specify how the multitude of roots, prefixes, and suffixes can be combined are generally based in Latin.

Morphology of medical termsMedical terms are created using root words with prefixes and suffixes that are Greek or Latin in origin. For example, “pericarditis” means “inflammation of the outer layer of the heart.” The three parts of this term are: peri – card – itis. The prefix is “peri” and means “surrounding”. The root word is “card” which means “heart”, and the suffix meaning of “itis” is “inflammation.” So, the term “pericarditis” can be translated to meaning an inflammation surrounding the heart.By changing the prefix and suffix, the medical term can be used to describe a different heart condition. For example, “bradycardia” means slow heart rate. In this case, the three parts of this term are: brady – card – ia. The new prefix is “brady” which means “slow”. The new suffix is “ia” which is translated to “a condition or state”. So, the new meaning is “slow heart rate”.Additional examples of how this medical term can change by changing the prefixes or suffixes are as follows:Prefix changes:
Suffix changes:All medical terms must have at least one root word, but can have multiple. Also, medical terms can be without prefixes or suffixes. For example, the term “sternocleidomastoid” which is means a muscle with attachments at the sternum, the clavicle, and the mastoid. This medical term’s key parts are all roots: stern(root) – o – cleid(root) – o – mastoid(root). The vowel “o” appears between the roots and serve two purposes. They link the three roots, and they make the medical term easier to pronounce. Other vowels used for these purposes are “i” and “a”.Medical Terms: Prefixes, Roots And Suffixes (comprehensive List) - GlobalRPH (1)Another example of how the vowel “o” links the different parts of a term is “electrocardiogram”. In this case, the parts are: electr – o – cardi -o -gram. Electr (electricity), o (vowel), cardi (heart), o (vowel), gram (suffix meaning record). So, the result is a medical term which means “the record of the electricity in the heart”.Additional rules:Generally, Latin prefixes go with Latin suffixes, while Greek prefixes go with Greek suffixes.Prefixes generally end in vowels or vowel sounds as in the bradycardia example above.Root words end in vowels. An example is the vowel “o” in the term “gastroenteritis”. The parts are: gastro(root) – enteritis(suffix). Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the stomach and intestines.Suffixes often refer to procedures, conditions, or disease processes. An example of a medical term with a suffix meaning that describes a condition is pancreatitis. The parts are “pancreas” which is the root, and then “itis” which is the suffix. Pancrea refers to the pancreas. “It is” refers the condition which is inflammation.
A brief history of medical termsMedical terminology originated during the Renaissance when the discipline of anatomy begun. Practicing in Italian medical schools, early anatomists and physicians used Latin to describe various parts of the anatomy. These naming conventions have remained in place to current day. One such physician was Galen (a. d. 130-200) who authored early medical texts and was responsible for many terms. Other sources of medical terminology include:Arabic- throughout the middle ages, Arabic scholars had taught medicine and originated many terms.English- medical terminology has roots in the English language which has been pre-eminent in biomedical science over the last 50 years.Biology- is a prominent source of medical terminology going back to Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778). Linnaeus was a Swedish botanist and physician who is considered the father of modern taxonomy. He developed a binomial nomenclature which is the modern system of naming organisms. Much of his work was done in Latin.
Learning medical terms:While proficiency in Latin is not required to learn medical terminology or to become a physician, it is certainly useful to grasp the nuances of the medical terms. However, more important than learning Latin, is learning common root words, prefixes, and suffixes.Following are some of the most frequently used prefixes and suffixes in medical terminology. Memorizing these will jumpstart your learning of the medical terms. This small group of prefixes and suffixes will help with the interpretation of the larger body of medical terms. You don’t need to know whether they are prefixes or suffixes and you don’t need to know Latin.

Increasing your understanding of medical terminology

Word Building Reference– This resource strengthens your understanding of medical terminology. See how common medical terms are created using the various prefixes, suffixes, and root words.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m
n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Medical Terminology Intuitive Section Medical Terms: Prefixes, Roots And Suffixes (comprehensive List) - GlobalRPH (2)
This section was developed for ‘speed learning’ of medical terminology.

a b c1 c2 d e f g h i j k l
m n o p q r s t u v w x y

Additional references:

Prefixes denoting numbers
Prefixes denoting position and/or direction
Prefixes denoting measurement
Medical Terminology Noun Suffixes
Combining forms for color
Common Prefixes
Adjective Suffixes
Specialties and specialists med terms
Instruments, surgical, and diagnostic procedures
Negative prefixes
Common suffixes

Quick Introduction– provides an overview and introduction to medical terminology.
Medical Terms – rules governing singular versus plural versions of medical terms are described.

myocarditismuscle layer of heart inflamed
pericarditisouter layer of heart inflamed
endocarditisinner layer of heart inflamed
cardiologista physician specializing in the heart
cardiomyopathydamage to heart muscle layer
cardiomegalyenlargement of the heart
a/anWithout or noneanemia
ectomyto cut out or removeappendectomy, tonsillectomy
gramthe image (X-ray)mammogram
graphy/ graphrecording an image (X-ray, CT or MRI scan or a written recording)mammography (imaging the breasts)
itisinflammationtonsillitis, appendicitis
macrolargemacrostomia (abnormally large mouth)
mega/ megalyenlargedmegacolon (abnormally large colon large intestine)
microsmallmicrostomia (abnormally small mouth)
osisabnormal conditioncyanosis (of blueness, due to cold or low oxygen)
ostomyto make a “mouth”colostomy (to make a permanent opening in colon)
otomyto cut intotracheotomy (to cut into the windpipe, temporary opening)
scopy/ scopicto look, observecolonoscopy (look into colon)
Medical Terms: Prefixes, Roots And Suffixes (comprehensive List) - GlobalRPH (2024)


What are the 20 examples of prefix and suffix? ›

List of Words with a Prefix and a Suffix
PrefixBase WordSuffix
24 more rows

What is the prefix and suffix of pneumonia? ›

Pneumonia: Pneumonia is a lung infection or inflammation. The root "pneumon" refers to the lungs, and the suffix "-ia" indicates a condition. Hyperpnea: Hyperpnea refers to excessive or increased breathing. The prefix "hyper-" means excessive, and "pnea" relates to breathing.

What is a prefix suffix and root in medical terminology? ›

Prefixes are added before root words to refine their meaning. “Myo-,” for example, added to the root “cardi-,” helps form the term “myocardium,” meaning heart muscle. Suffixes. A suffix is added to the end of the word to modify its definition. As the example above, the suffix “-ium” refers to a body structure or tissue ...

How do you memorize medical prefixes and suffixes? ›

Super Easy Tips to Learn Medical Terminology
  1. Using visual cues to remember complex terms.
  2. Practicing terms using apps for iOS and Android.
  3. Deciphering terms by learning basic Latin components (root, suffix, prefix)
  4. Bulk learning using self-made acronyms.
  5. Using engaging guides and workbooks.
  6. Taking free online classes.

What are 100 examples of prefixes? ›

List of Suffixes & Prefixes
List of Prefix in English
Prefix WordMeaningsPrefix Examples
forebeforeForecast, forelimb,
hypertoo muchhyperactive, hypersensitive
il, im, in, irnot, opposite ofillogical, impossible, indistinct, irrational
51 more rows

What are 50 examples of prefixes? ›

English Prefixes List, Meanings and Example Words Prefix Meaning Example Anti- Against Antifreeze, antithesis De- Opposite Decode, decompose Dis- Not, opposite of Disconnect, disembark Em- Cause to Embrace, emphasis En- Cause to Encode, encounter Fore- Before Forecast, foresight In- İn Infield, infiltrate Im- İn ...

What is the prefix root and suffix of thoracotomy? ›

For example, a thoracotomy (a surgical procedure involving an incision in the thorax) can be divided into the prefix: thoraco- and the suffix -otomy. Thoraco- refers to the thorax and -otomy denotes a surgical procedure in which a structure is cut.

What is the root word for pneumonia? ›

Pneumonia defined

The word "pneumonia" comes from the Greek, "pneumon" (lung) and "ia" (disease).

What term means fear of many things? ›

Pan came to be a kind of universal god of everything. This explains why the words “panophobia” and “pantophobia” came to describe an extreme, wide-ranging fear of everything.

What is the prefix, root, and suffix of cardiology? ›

Cardi - root means heart. -ology - suffix means the study of. Cardiology - the study of the heart.

What are examples of roots suffixes and prefixes? ›

Automatic is made up of the root word auto and the suffix -matic. Act means to do. Re- is a prefix that means again, act is the root word, and -ion is a suffix that when added to verbs renders them nouns. The root word phobia means fear.

What are the 20 medical terms? ›

A to Z of medical terms
AbdomenThe tummy area from the lower ribs to the pelvis.
AnaesthesiaA medical way of relieving pain.
AnaesthetistA doctor trained to administer anaesthetics.
Anal sphincterThe muscle around the anus that is squeezed to prevent passing wind or opening the bowels involuntarily.
26 more rows

What are the 10 examples of prefix and suffix? ›

prebeforepre + pay = prepay
nonnotnon + sense = nonsense
superabovesuper + script = superscript
subundersub + merge = submerge
6 more rows

Can I teach myself medical terminology? ›

One way to learn medical terminology is by creating your own acronyms. You can do this by taking one letter of each word or a group of related words, and forming a single new word or a phrase. It may take a little bit to actually come up with the acronyms, but in the end, it will save you a lot of time.

What are the 100 examples of suffix words? ›

List of English Suffixes
SuffixMeaningsSample Words and Definitions
-ableable to beexcitable, portable, preventable
-acpertaining tocardiac, hemophiliac, maniac
-acity (-ocity)quality ofperspicacity, sagacity, velocity
-adeact, action or process, productblockade, cavalcade, promenade,
122 more rows

What are the 40 prefixes? ›

40 Common Prefixes in English
Extra-More than
Fore-Before, front
Hind-After, back
36 more rows
Jul 3, 2024

What are the 30 suffixes? ›

Verb Suffixes
-edpast-tense version of a verblaughed, climbed, called, missed
-enbecomesoften, fasten, lengthen, strengthen
-eraction or process, making an adjective comparativefaster, bigger, fuller, longer
-ingverb form/present participle of an actionlaughing, swimming, driving, writing
1 more row
Jul 15, 2022

What are the 15 words of prefixes? ›

Common Prefixes
anti-against, opposite ofanticlimax. antiaircraft, antiseptic, antibody
auto-self, sameautopilot, autobiography, automobile, autofocus
circum-around, aboutcircumvent, circumnavigate, circ*mscribe
co-with, togetherco-pilot, co-worker, co-exist, co-author
32 more rows
Jul 10, 2024

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